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Design and Architecture


The code base consists of .NET projects having the following brief descriptions and internal dependencies:

  • Endatix.Api - the web API endpoints. Depends on Endatix.Core and Endatix.Infrastructure
  • Endatix.Core - the core application domain - entities, aggregate roots, domain events, use cases, etc. No dependencies
  • Endatix.Framework - core framework project to expose common customization and extensibility points. To be used by all modules. No dependencies
  • Endatix.Extensions.Hosting - Easy to use utilities for web hosting Endantix. Depends on Endatix.Framework, Endatix.Infrastructure & Endatix.SqlServer
  • Endatix.Infrastructure - main implementations of the Core project. Deals with 3rd party integrations. Depends on Endatix.Core & Endatix.Framework
  • Endatix.SqlServer - implementation of MS SQL specific database logic. Depends on Endatix.Infrastructure
  • Endatix.WebHost - default app host project. Has zero code. Shows how endatix can be hosted and is used for debugging and testing the application. Depends on Endatix.Extensions.Hosting & Endatix.Api

High Level Architecture