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Configuring Data Settings in Endatix

Data settings are responbile for changing the behavior of the data persistance layer. They allow you to prevent or allow running data migrations of the DB schema

Getting it done

To configure the data settings, add the following snippet to your appSettings.json file. Customize the values based on your requirements:

"Endatix": {
"Data": {
"ApplyMigrations": true


The settings are defined within the "Data": {...} section:

  • ApplyMigrations: Determines whether to apply or not the database migrations.
    • Set to true to enable migrations.
    • Omit or set to false will prevent migrations from running unless explicitly set to true
Note on importance

🔥 Data settings are a critical part of your deployment strategy. You should carefully decide when and if data migrations are executed to ensure your database schema is properly managed according to your application's needs.